Güngör, M.(2003); ‘‘Poverty and Children Working on Streets’’, Poverty, Deniz Feneri Publications, Volume:3, Istanbul
Güngör, M.(2003); ‘‘Poverty and Children Working on Streets’’, Poverty, Deniz Feneri Publications, Volume:3, Istanbul.
Number of Works Cited: 5
Efforts are made to determine the effects created by poverty on children working in the streets in the city of Mersin. Poverty has been taken as a de facto situation rather than being addressed as an economic indicator and the aim has been to measure its effect on the child. In the light of concepts like migration, social state, children working on streets, street child, and socialization, a survey and observation has been made on 70 children working on the streets in Mersin.
An Excerpt from the Article:
It is the youngest individuals of the society and the family who are affected most from poverty, and whose living, developing and growing rights are risked. In today’s world, four out of 10 of children born in developing nations come to the world in extreme poverty. This poverty determines the child’s existence in all aspects. (p.291)
Some Keywords:
diet, migration, sanitation, children working on the streets, children living on the streets, social state, socialisation