Sunal, O.(2007); ‘‘5-6 February 2007 Paris Conference and Child Soldiers’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.91, March-April

Sunal, O.(2007); ‘‘5-6 February 2007 Paris Conference and Child Soldiers’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.91, March-April.

Number of Works Cited:


The history of child soldiers that is recently attracting attention from the world media is rather long. Following the movie ‘Blood Diamond’ premiered in 2007, concepts such as trade, poverty, globalization, and exploitation started to be discussed again. And the Paris Conference has been made to demonstrate the situation in Africa where income made through diamond trade is spent directly to buy weapons and to prevent the use of such weapons by children. Child labour has been listed among unacceptable works in ILO’s Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention No. 182.

An Excerpt from the Article:

The subject of child soldiers attracted the attention of (UN) United Nations and (United Nations International Child Fund) UNICEF when in the 1990s wars and civil wars and struggles particularly in Africa and in other continents started to increase. Because an important part of these wars and civil disorders was in poorest countries, armed groups easily recruited 100.000s of children by deceiving, kidnapping, frightening and applying violence. All children male and female started to be used to work in different jobs by force. Children aged 6-7, nearly baby-aged, were being used to lay mines, bring and send news, make meals and more importantly, fight with guns in their hands. And female children were forced to have sexual intercourse with soldiers in their early ages and exploited.

Some Keywords:

Africa, child soldiers, child exploitation, sexual exploitation of children, diamonds, globalisation, arm traders




Ocakçı, A.; Berk, Z.; Sala, G.(2000); ‘‘Coiffeur Apprentices and Their Work-Related Risks’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.49, March-April

Ocakçı, A.; Berk, Z.; Sala, G.(2000); ‘‘Coiffeur Apprentices and Their Work-Related Risks’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.49, March-April.

Number of Works Cited: 4


A study has been planned based on the need to determine the risks of children working in the coiffeur and barber sectors are facing in order that they can be protected against such risks. The study universe is the 160 students studying in this branch at Zonguldak Apprentice Training Center. 103 children aged between 13 and 18 accepted to take part in this study. Questionnaire form of 32 questions is created by face-to-face question and answer method. Subsequent sections of the article examine the finding obtained as a result of this study.

An Excerpt from the Article:

Because coiffeur activities require direct contact with the skin and hand accidents like hand cuts are frequently experienced, proposals may be made particularly for immunization of apprentices particularly with hepatitis and tetanus vaccines, school-master workman and guardian communication must be ensured on a continuous basis in order that apprentices are not mistreated both by the customer and the work mates during their working lives and in order that they do not experience other problems, for planning of regular and continuous education programs at these centers, and for warning of apprentices in order that they do not face any harassment by giving sexual education in these programs. (p.10)


Some Keywords:

apprentice training, sexual exploitation of children, occupational hazards, coiffeur apprentices, risk



Fişek, O.(2002); ‘‘Sexual Harassment Aimed at Children’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.60, January-February

Fişek, O.(2002); ‘‘Sexual Harassment Aimed at Children’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.60, January-February.

Number of Works Cited:


This study addresses the issue of sexual harassment aimed at children using a report published by the Forensics Department and the booklet titled ‘A Guide for Parents’ of the Society for the Prevention of Child Negligence and Exploitation.

An Excerpt from the Article:

The report published by the Forensics Department translates the dimension of the issue into figures. According to this report, sexual harassment applications have been filed for 1455 children in two years. But what is the number of those who have not applied or are prevented from filing an application? This figure is only a small part of the iceberg we know. The report says that 1236 of the children suffering sexual harassment are female, and 219 are male. 70% of children are aged between 7 and 11. Most of the suspects who have committed sexual harassment against children are persons previously known to the children. (p.18)

Some Keywords:

sexual exploitation of children

Aral, N.; Gürsoy, F.(2001); ‘‘Child Labour and Exploitation within the Frame of Children Rights’’, Milli Eğitim Magazine, Issue No.151

Aral, N.; Gürsoy, F.(2001); ‘‘Child Labour and Exploitation within the Frame of Children Rights’’, Milli Eğitim Magazine, Issue No.151.

Number of Works Cited: 25


The issue of children rights and exploitation has been addressed within the frame of children rights. Relevant articles of the convention on children rights have been referenced and the subject has been deepened accordingly.

An Excerpt from the Article:

Non-protection of children, remaining uninterested against sexual exploitation and failure to give the required importance to sexual development is expressed as sexual negligence. Sexual exploitation is exploitation of a child for sexual satisfaction on allow another person to exploit the child for that purpose. Defined as an adult’s caressing a child’s sexual organs with the purpose of getting sexual pleasure, raping, making exhibitionism, and exploiting the child as means of pornography, sexual exploitation is considered to be a type of crime resorted by sexually impotent persons seeking sexual satisfaction with children. It is a known truth that the most common type of sexual exploitation not socially accepted and experienced most intensely sensual in the family or between persons that have blood ties with the child. However, it is rather difficult to distinguish between such cases. Researches reveal that sexual exploitation is common mostly between the ages of three to five.

Some Keywords:

child rights, child abuse, sexual exploitation of children, international regulation