Sunal, O.(2007); ‘‘5-6 February 2007 Paris Conference and Child Soldiers’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.91, March-April

Sunal, O.(2007); ‘‘5-6 February 2007 Paris Conference and Child Soldiers’’, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, Issue No.91, March-April.

Number of Works Cited:


The history of child soldiers that is recently attracting attention from the world media is rather long. Following the movie ‘Blood Diamond’ premiered in 2007, concepts such as trade, poverty, globalization, and exploitation started to be discussed again. And the Paris Conference has been made to demonstrate the situation in Africa where income made through diamond trade is spent directly to buy weapons and to prevent the use of such weapons by children. Child labour has been listed among unacceptable works in ILO’s Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention No. 182.

An Excerpt from the Article:

The subject of child soldiers attracted the attention of (UN) United Nations and (United Nations International Child Fund) UNICEF when in the 1990s wars and civil wars and struggles particularly in Africa and in other continents started to increase. Because an important part of these wars and civil disorders was in poorest countries, armed groups easily recruited 100.000s of children by deceiving, kidnapping, frightening and applying violence. All children male and female started to be used to work in different jobs by force. Children aged 6-7, nearly baby-aged, were being used to lay mines, bring and send news, make meals and more importantly, fight with guns in their hands. And female children were forced to have sexual intercourse with soldiers in their early ages and exploited.

Some Keywords:

Africa, child soldiers, child exploitation, sexual exploitation of children, diamonds, globalisation, arm traders




Ocakçı, A.(2001); ‘‘Status of Working Children in Turkey’’, Hacettepe University Magazine, Volume:8, Issue No.1, Ankara, January-June, pp.120-132

Ocakçı, A.(2001); ‘‘Status of Working Children in Turkey’’, Hacettepe University Magazine, Volume:8, Issue No.1, Ankara, January-June, pp.120-132.

Number of Works Cited:


Child labour has been studied using data from DIE Child Labour Survey of 1994 and 1999.

An Excerpt from the Article:

As a result, children are working under many working conditions for numerous reasons. However, child labour has three aspects that should be taken into consideration. First is that an important and high number of children are starting work at a very early age. The second is many children are forced to work in an employment relationship that is open to exploitation and misuse (such as those serving at houses and under debt dependency). Lastly, it is known that yet many other children are working for extended hours, are rarely benefiting from sufficient nutrition, health services and educational facilities and are mostly receiving very low wages. (p.9)

Some Keywords:

child workers, child labour survey, child abuse, child exploitation




Gelegen, D.(2001); ‘‘Child Labor’’, Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Magazine, April, 6:42-46

Gelegen, D.(2001); ‘‘Child Labor’’, Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Magazine, April, 6:42-46.

Number of Works Cited: 1


Leon Warshaw’s article (Precarious Employment and Child Labour, Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. International Labour Organization. Geneva, 1998.) has been translated to our language. The concepts of child labour and child slavery are explained. Then, the subject has been deepened based on ILO data. The following section discussed in which jobs the children worked and the potential damages of such jobs. The final section focused on economic and social results of child labour.

An Excerpt from the Article:

There are many forms of employment where the workers are subjected to impoverishment, exploitation and maltreatment; and where their health and safety are in great risks. Despite efforts by regulations, international conventions and treaties and solutions offered by them, it seems such working conditions will continue as long as human poverty, repression, misaccommodation and nutritional conditions remain the same. Workers also do not have the chance to benefit from information, education, skill gaining, protective and treating health services required to get rid of the bad situation they are in. (p.6)

Some Keywords:

working conditions, apprentices, child workers, child slavery, child exploitation, social security, poverty


Altıntaş, B.(2005); ‘‘Child Labour: Causes, Problems and Policy Management’’, Tes-İş Magazine, June, p.58-64

Altıntaş, B.(2005); ‘‘Child Labour: Causes, Problems and Policy Management’’, Tes-İş Magazine, June, p.58-64.

Number of Works Cited:-


The study examines the different dimensions of child labour and reviews the policy perspective on child labour and working children based on the dynamic of struggle against child labour. Reasons underlying child employment, working conditions of children in dangerous working relations, description of risk factors related to the physical and psycho-social balances of children in the working life and determination of its possible effects on children are the purposes of this study. The study also aims the creation of a policy and action plan for working children.


An Excerpt from the Article:

The issue of child labour is an issue that has to be taken into consideration not just because many children are working illegally but also because their works are mostly dependent on exploitation. Children are being employed for social, political, cultural and economic reasons. (p.59)

Some Keywords:

working conditions, child workers, reasons of child labour, child exploitation, occupational hazards