Özşahin, A.; Bostancı, M.; Zencir, M.(1999); “The Occupational Conditions of The Apprentices Studying at The Denizli Vali Necati Bilican Apprentice Training Center’’, Toplum ve Hekim Magazine, Ankara, March- April, 14(2), p. 87-92
Özşahin, A.; Bostancı, M.; Zencir, M.(1999); “The Occupational Conditions of The Apprentices Studying at The Denizli Vali Necati Bilican Apprentice Training Center’’, Toplum ve Hekim Magazine, Ankara, March- April, 14(2), p. 87-92
Number of Works Cited: 28
The article is based on the research made at Denizli Vali Necati Bilican Apprentice Training Center which includes information about the living conditions of working children. The subject of this survey which has explanatory characteristics, is the candidate apprentices and apprentices studying and working at the same area. First the general profile of these children and their families are drown then data about their working conditions are given. It is emphasised in this article that these children are working beyond the permission of the laws where they are really poorly paid. Also it is stated that the results of this survey is far more worse than the findings of the other polls.
An Excerpt from the Article:
More than half of the children said(%53,5) they work for 9-12 hours, %28,4 said they work for more than 12 hours a day. Children that work for 8 hours a day, which is the legal standard only consists of %18,1. %69,2 stated that they love their jobs and %27,2 said they only like some aspects of their jobs. When children are asked, %66,6 said they only do their occupational obligations, %29,7 said sometimes they do other staff and %3,7 said they only do the petty jobs. % 58,1 said they do not have any yearly holiday, %13,2 said they have 8-15 days of holiday, %7,2 said they only have less than 7 days of yearly holidays. %83,3 stated that they work 6-7 days a week and only %22,5 work for 5 days a week. (p.89)
Some Key Words:
working conditions, workingh hours, apprentices, apprentice training