Başargan, H.N.; Kümbül, B.(2001); ‘‘A Look on the Issue of Working Children from A Family Perspective’’, (in the ‘Seminar on Working Children in Turkey’), DIE Publications, Ankara, p.137-161

Başargan, H.N.; Kümbül, B.(2001); ‘‘A Look on the Issue of Working Children from A Family Perspective’’, (in the ‘Seminar on Working Children in Turkey’), DIE Publications, Ankara, p.137-161.

Number of Works Cited:


The study first puts a definition of child based on the fact that the issue of working children might be approached differently by societies with different socio-economic structures, different cultures, and education levels, and comments are made about how the perception of child might be. After a detailed analysis about the value of children, starting from the definition of working child, topics like why children are obliged to work and which factors pushed them to the working life, focusing on the negative psychological influences created by working phenomenon on the psycho-social development of child. Finally, based on the fact that the family is an important determining factor on a child labour, some important results from a survey conducted on families of working children has been presented from a study made in İzmir within the scope of the ILO-IPEC project.

An Excerpt from the Article:

Aries connects his perception of childhood in such a way to the child’s full participation of adult life and this indirectly results from the structure of family and society at that time. Social life in the Medieval Ages was one that was very intensively experienced. (p.71)

Some Keywords:

family, working children, ILO-IPEC, socio-economic level