Child Labour in Turkey
Title of the Study: Child Labour in Turkey
Type of the Study: Master Thesis
Author of the Study: Cengiz Çınar
Year/Place of Publication: Ankara, 2003 (TODAİE Public Administration Programme)
Language of the Study: Turkish
Number of Pages: 80
Purpose: To discuss the historical development in Turkey and the use of child labour in today’s world.
Content: Part one discusses the concepts about the subject. Part two discusses the historical development of the problem of working children and national and international regulations about working children. Part three discusses the forms of utilization of child labour in our country, by studying existing researches and studies, and efforts are made to explain the situation of working children.
Method: Literature scanning method is used.
Excerpt: The reason child labour is used in such high rates in this period was low payment by employers compared to adults and increasing their profits. A second important reason was the elimination of most of the mature male population at the end of the World War I. Many poor families without man were forced to have their children work in factories in order not to be hungry. Besides, that children were suitable for certain types of work increased the demand for child labour. (p.21)
Some keywords: child labour, reasons of child labour, national regulation, poverty