Baytemür M.; Fişek A.G.; Koçak A. (1994); “A Research On The Factors Effecting Smoking in the age range of 13-15”, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, May-June, Issue No. 14, p. 33-38

Baytemür M.; Fişek A.G.; Koçak A. (1994); “A Research On The Factors Effecting Smoking in the age range of 13-15”, Çalışma Ortamı Magazine, May-June, Issue No. 14, p. 33-38.

Number of Works Cited:


The article is based on a survey conducted in Ankara Ostim Apprentice Training Center where 150 children were questioned in a poll to determine the cigarette addiction . From the survey made to outline the medico-social conditions of the same group, 10 independent variables are selected from the ready social cards of these group. Age-number of cigarettes, age-total amount of years of smoking, age-frequency of smoking, etnicity-smoking, working after school and tendency of smoking, staying out at nights and smoking, best friend’s employment status and smoking relations are revealed.

An Excerpt from the Article:

The research has shown that the tendency to smoke rises as the age increases in the working children group under 15 years of age. This proofs that there is great social risk in the occupational environment that these children work. Because smoking is considered as social determinant for children. (p.37)

Bazı Anahtar Sözcükler:

working children, cigarette addiction in children, medico-social problems