Yapıcı, G., Can, G., Kızıler, A.R., Aydemir, B., Timur, İ.H., Kaypmaz, A.,(2006), ‘‘Lead and Cadmium Exposure in Children Living Around a Coal Mining Area in Yatağan, Turkey’’, Toxicology and Industrial Health, No.22, p.357-362.
Yapıcı, G., Can, G., Kızıler, A.R., Aydemir, B., Timur, İ.H., Kaypmaz, A.,(2006), ‘‘Lead and Cadmium Exposure in Children Living Around a Coal Mining Area in Yatağan, Turkey’’, Toxicology and Industrial Health, No.22, p.357-362.
Number of Works Cited: 22
The study was designed to determine asypmtomatic lead poisoning prevelance and cadmium exposure of pre-school children living in a coal mining area in Yatağan, Muğla, Turkey.Yatağan has received frequent attention because of air pollution inversion events in recent years. The amount of SO2 in the air rises five to six times over the threshold level due to meteoroligacal conditions in the spring and autumn and poses a threat for health. The purpose of this study was to determine the asymptomatic lead poisoning prevalence as well as cadmium exposure of pre-school children (6months to 6 years old) living in Yatağan, Muğla; Turkey.
An Excerpt from the Article:
It is not possible to determine from this study what proportion of the biological lead and cadmium burden results from mining waste and what proportion comes from other sources such as paint and gasoline residue deposited in soil and air. In conclusion environmental lead measurements (house dust, soil, drinking water and air) must be performed, the results must be compared with the normal limits, and precauitons must be taken if necessary in Yatağan area. Future public health research efforts should focus on reducing the excessive levels of lead and cadmium in the environment (p.361).
Some Keywords:
Cadmium, children, coal mining, environmental exposure, lead poisoning