For Handkerchief, Savory Rolls, Painting, Garbage,…….: Working in the Streets of Ankara

Title of the Study: For Handkerchief, Savory Rolls, Painting, Garbage,…….: Working in the Streets of Ankara

Type of the Study: Book

Author of the Study: Altıntaş, Betül



Year/Place of Publication: İstanbul, 2003 (İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Business Economy and Industrial Relations)

Language of the Study: Turkish

Number of Pages: 256

Purpose: Explain the issue of children working in the streets and child labour based on observations made in Ankara.

Content: The book contains evaluations about the situation of children working in the streets throughout the world, relevant forms of approach, and legal and organizations regulations in Turkey.

Method: Literature scanning and field study methods were used.

Excerpt: People don’t understand us. Some think we are beggars. Them contemplate us, swear at us, we can’t say anything, and we go leave there.” These words belong to Ayşe aged 11 and Adnan aged 14. Ayşe and Adnan are not thieves and beggars. Ayşe sells adhesive bandage in the streets of Ankara, and Adnan paints shoes. They contribute to family income this way. Monies brought by “Ayşe”s and “Adnan”s are even forming the main income item of many families.

Some keywords: child labour, child rights, children working on the streets, national regulation