Fişek, A.G.(1979); “Protection of Chldren and Youth In Terms Of Human Rights’’, Okul Defteri Magazine, July, Issue No. 3, p. 19-21

Fişek, A.G.(1979); “Protection of Chldren and Youth In Terms Of Human Rights’’, Okul Defteri Magazine, July, Issue No. 3, p. 19-21.

Number of Works Cited:


The article is more law based. The reasons why children enter the working life is explained and then the development of social policy tools against child labour is discussed and national and international regulations are quoted. Also findings of a research made in Ankara Iskitler and Industrial Bazaar on apprentices and young workers and SSK’s (Social Insurance Institution) occupational accidents and diseases statistics are given.

An Excerpt from the Article:

The way to keep children and adolescents away from the protective umbrella of Labour Law is found in our country. The majority of this group is employed as apprentices. Some appliers of the law discuss if the new Apprentice and Master Workman Legislation is apart of the labour Law or not. This new law defines these apprentices who are required to take training at most of 8 hours as students. And when other aspects of this law is inspected it gives the impression that it is legislated not to protect the apprentices or the experineced apprentices to protect the employers. (p.20)

Some Key Words:

working conditions, apprentices, apprentice training, occupational accident, occupational disease, national regulation