Fırat, M.;(1998) “The State Of Working Children, Findings and Recommendations”, Third National Occupational Health Congress, TTB Central Council, October, Ankara, p. 357-370

Fırat, M.;(1998) “The State Of Working Children, Findings and Recommendations”, Third National Occupational Health Congress, TTB Central Council, October, Ankara, p. 357-370.

Number of Works Cited: 9


The presentation emphasised the place of child labour in national and international regulations and cathegorised children according to field they work. Then the findings from the survey where 182 working children attending the Yenibosna East Industrial Site Apprentice Education Center and 170 children attending the Trade Lycee under the age of 15 are discussed. The ways to break the linkages between the chaines which makes child labour attractive and profitable are recommended in the end part of the presentation.

An Excerpt from the Article:

It is observed that working children frequently change their jobs. The main reason for this is the bad attitudes of elderly to themselves and not being able to communicate with the employers. 41% of them change their jobs solely for this reason. %19 change because of low wages and the dangerous and heavy nature of their jobs. (p.363)

Some Key Words:

working children, apprentices, child health