Can, M.(1999); “The New Minimum Wage and Working Children’’, Calisma Ortami, January-February, Issue No. 42, p. 12-14

Can, M.(1999); “The New Minimum Wage and Working Children’’, Calisma Ortami, January-February, Issue No. 42, p. 12-14.

Number of Works Cited: 2


In this article the determination of minimum wage process is explained. The comission is 2 partite rather than 3 when the government also acts as an employer as well. Poverty is the main reason for child labour and also the minimum wage and the child labour concepts ae highly interrealted. It is stated that the minimum wages should be determined with the guidance of human rights documents and their principles that are signed by the government. The duality in the minimum wage creates a legal base for the low wage child labour.

An Excerpt from the Article:

As it is also stated in the Convention On The Rights Of Child, the dual attitude towards minumum wage determination should be eliminated for a child labour free society depending on the principle of the protection of the child. (p.14)

Some Key Words:

minimum wage, child labour, national regulation